How Social Media Plays a Big Role in Our Everyday Life
My role in social media is media making. I am a media making because I have seen a lot of adverting on social media that helps to grow many businesses. Social media helps your business to grow because there are a lot of people on social media everyday. On Friday alone, Facebook can have 1.15 billion people from around the world on it.My common experience involves in shared mass media events by sharing and posting the production or events. They can hire famous person to talk about the event to increase its awareness so more people can buy it. For example, the Super Bowel that is going to happen on 02-02-20 began the advertisements on television, Instagram, YouTube, and etc.
There are several example that shows illustrated for advertising on social media that I like to look at websites that help you achieve in growing your business. Also, I like to look at social media accounts about investing your money in stocks. In my spare time, I would look at Instagram accounts related to stocks going up or down and how to read the graphs if you are making money or losing.
Some ways social media covers acts of resistance and protest is by a journalist being at the site to cover the incidence. You can also find out what happened in the newspaper. Another way people can find out about resistances and protests is on social media like Instagram by posting on your story or by going live.

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