Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Art Exhibitions

Ibou Ndoye is an artist who expresses himself through his paintings and mixing it with the views he sees. He took a step away from the US and went back to his home country to see everything in a different position. His work was titled Neighbors Near and Far because of how he saw the difference in culture and how the woman and men were different with their clothes, jewelry and how the woman had sacred time with other woman and men weren't allowed to join them in their inner circles. When I saw that it really represented a brunch in a sort of say where women all join to have a good time, gossip and without the company of men. The subject in each painting that Ibou has shown is showing the culture, the background of African Americans, the different techniques he uses and different fabrics he uses in each painting. He also likes to draw many faces because the faces are what tell a story about the person and that is something special because it is him telling a story of a young boy or woman. The art he does speaks about him because his cultural background is behind it and it explores the history of the people. In one of his art pieces there was a table full of african women and when seeing this it spoke to me as almost as the last supper in the bible because seeing all these women almost in the same position this was one narrative that conveyed me and Ibou himself brushed upon why he decided to do this particular piece and it was something that he himself witnessed the woman do back in their home country. Another thing that amazes me with his work is that he adds texture, color, fabrics and that caught my eyes because over there probably is a world of vibrant color and that amazes me. 

As for Adebunmi Gbadebo's Uprooted exhibition was certainly a different experience for me. I have never visited an art gallery where hair from men, women and other people can make such a big statement. The artist choice was to use hair, cotton, blue color and more hair to put on a showcase of her ancestors from back in the day when slavery existed. Completely different to Ibou she decided to present history in cooperation with the hair and meaning behind many of them. One thing that caught my attention was dreadlocks and apparently it is named this because of how the owners of the slaves would say their hairs were “dreadful” and that came to the term dreadlocks. The research plays a crucial part because it gives us more insight on how the people were treated back in the day, used to crop the plantations and be sweating and breaking bones just to finish the job. In a way that I see this an activist on part of the artist is where we learned about the Blue Field plantation and converting it to a golf club. When I heard about this I was wondering why would someone make this part of history into a golf club where only elites or people of high status are only allowed? Then my professor talked more of how the powerful people who own the gold club in jersey city are trying to expand on ellis island and make something that is a public piece of history into something closed off from the public. The exhibition itself addresses many social issues, identity and activism because the artist is showcasing a piece of history that is now known today as a golf club. No longer a plantation where people of her history worked and slaved away their lives and to just realize that through hair of her people is completely mind blowing.  that many face today and 

  1. “ instead of thinking of the university as a locus of national policy by which the elite recruits new members, perhaps it might be a place in where people encounter each other”
  2. “Freedom was not to be seen either as an absence of constraint or as the self-enabling choice among variables which is presented by american apologists today but as the possibility to play” 
  3. “In my latest tents the theme of the loner versus the group, and or the other, comes into a phase in which the interaction, and the expectations that come with it, will be directed even more. This was already at stake in the works where I used a, so called, necessity which you could hardly deny. Here, things are dealing more with emotional issues, with intimacy and distance, with attraction and repulsion, with respect for respect and disrespect. Then again, this is also to blame the lack of power, or independence, of the ordinary public.”


The artist we went to last week was very cool and creative. All of his pieces were super incredible and all caught my attention. The one that caught my attention the most was the one where all the women got together in a table and basically partied together. I felt like this piece was a great piece because it represented UNITY which is ver much important and something that’s needed in this world much more.

Isabelle's Gallery Resond 2/26/20

Isabelle Cleophat

Image result for african paintings on lemmerman gallery
Ibo's paintings were very abstraction he had explained his importance on how he was in Senegal how he had enjoyed to paint. When I had glanced at his paintings it had made me wonder about how he had some much interest, self determination and so compassionate about his work how he began to show his beauty into his magnificent beautiful paintings. When I began looking at the paintings I was very amazed at how his artwork began to become so unique . How in a sense it made me think that people in Africa began to become so involved in painting artwork . He also mentioned how he did not have time to work because he was so busy in his paintings .

Gallery respond

Ibrahim Hussein

Gallery Respond


                                                               Gallery Respond

To begin, the gallery was amazing because I had never seen art like that before. When the artist explains the background stories of why he painted it, I would say to myself I understand it now or I could relate to that painting. In the artist painting there were a lot of different colors. Also, the artist used fabrics to do the clothing of the characters in some of his paintings. I thought that it was very cool and unique to see. When he explains each of the unique paintings, there is a story to tell behind each of them and it connected to me because I saw some of the events he explains like the women gathering. As a result I was very amazed by the colors the way he explains each story and how many days and weeks to do a painting. In Ibou theme you can tell that it was about African roots. It was about African roots because he used a lot of symbols in his art. Like in one of his paintings there is a man dancing and having white face paint. When he explained what the white face paint meant, it became more clear. The white paint drawing means which tribe you are connected to.

First, In the other gallery it was different than I imagined. I never thought that you could make amazing art of dreadlocks. In Adebunmi Gbadebo she made an amazing art that connects to her heritage. if you ask me about the long dreadlocks in the middle of the room. I think that she is trying to say that her people are all connected to one another and the long hours that African American have put to pick up cotton. In her artwork you can tell that she cares about her roots by putting hair in the homemade paper. I think that means she stinks to her roots. When you see here work you can tell there is a lot of emotional work and heritage. The theme of the art gallery is slavery. It was the theme of slavery because it was black history month. In the art gallery there's a picture of a home which was a farm so that slaves can pick up cotton.

Also, the research plays a big role in those two arts work. To explain, the two artists have to know their heritage. In Ibou's case he lived in that time period. He explained how his parents let him learn three different languages to know his heritage. The example is that his parents let him learn his native languages tongue, arabic, and french. They teach him arabic so he can understand his religion, which is Muslims. In the other art gallert it was about the slave trade, because we can see in one of the painting their were slave were begin sold and tread like they were property. In the art gallery the artist traces her aunt sisters which lead her to a farm that her aunt sisters were being slaved.

Another, the work addresses the artist's own history by explaining their heritage and cultures. They both are african american. They both explain to the viewer about black history month. The work is also activist because it tries to help the cause of black history month in american and explains that we all are the same but different cultures. Also the exhibitions do show social issues, identity, and activism. The social issues are African American are treated differently. The identity is being black in America. It is activism because it is trying to help the causes and make it clear that black people are the same like you and me.

3+ Quotes


Given the global context of action and vastly distributed nature of agency there is a need for this form of situated condensation and slowing down of agents, forces, spaces, and events.

“The word “amateur” is very rarely used in a positive sense. It is a disciplinary term used to discourage hybridity and maintain profitable professional and social separations. For the most part amateurs are second-class citizens in the area of knowledge production. However, in the context of political and cultural intervention,amateurs have a significant and vital role to play. They can have the ability to spot contradictions and rhetorical cover-ups within the dominant paradigms, are freer to recombine elements of paradigms thought dead or unrelated, and can apply everyday life experience to their deliberations with greater ease than can specialists”

“André Breton with his strategy of objective chance or the Situationist Guy Debord, who proposed dérive (‘a technique of transient passage through varied ambiences’) as a both methods for studying terrain and emotionally disorienting oneself as well as an intermediate step toward the realization of a larger field of study of psychogeography, fostering among other things the creation of maps in which specific regions of the city would be noted for arousing particular affective or aesthetic responses..”

Ibou Ndoye
Ibou Ndove

ibou Ndove

Adebunmi Gbadebo
Adebunmi Gbadebo

Adeunmi Gbadebo

                                                                    GOING HOME
In my picture, I drew the Palestinian flag. In the middle, I drew a map of Palestine with the kufuya. Kufuya is the symbol of resistance in Palestine. The Palestinian flag is composed of four colors: red, black, green and white and each color represents symbols of protected the Palestinian land. For example, red symbols that the Palestinians will continue to fight for their land, the black color means that Palestines will die to protect their land. Moreover, green is a symbol of the olive trees and lastly white represents heaven on earth. At the bottom of the paper, it is written Palestine in Arabic.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Jose Vargas
Project topic
Feb 19, 2020

                 Police brutality is a major issue in the Us. There have been tons of cases before and it is hard to bear the injustice that people went through. What I want to do with this project is to go throughout big cases that happened in the Us(those that made the news). And say what would happen if social media would’ve been there like it is today. I want to make a video with this idea, just going through cases and expose the violations policemen committed.
Antonia Cerda
Assignment 2

                                            Understanding Patriarchy By Bell Hook

While reading I’ve noticed how in the being Patriarchy is introduced to a metaphor as some type of ‘disease that assaults the male body and spirit of our nation’. Also it becomes clear that becomes clear that for Bell Hook feminist project to overthrow patriarchy which is also an attempt to offer healing or ‘salvation’ to both men and women. Hook also Challenges the idea that the concept of patriarchy is irrelevant to men’s experience arguing, while noting the irony, that the male ignorance of the concept is evidence of the very weakness/lack of power that patriarchy denies exists within male identity and instead projects on to the female half of the gender binary that it polices.

"My brother and I remember our confusion about gender. In reality I was stronger and more violent than my brother, which we learned quickly was bad. And he was a gentle and peaceful boy, which we learned was really bad. We could not be and act the way we wanted to”

This quote hits hard because in today’s world, at a young age there’s a lot of confusion of gender. For example there’s a new controversy how the famous basketball player Dwayne Wade 12 years old son who is now addressed as Zaya a girl ,For me that’s two young for a child to know their own identity. But I’m sure that him being a boy and having a soft side, made him uncomfortable for him not to be able to

 “To end male pain, to respond effectively to the male crisis, we have to name the problem. We have to both acknowledge that the problem is patriarchy and work to end patriarchy”


 This is another issue that we suffer from in today’s world, the media makes the world go round, when we see a man cry, suffer or just down and out. The media and the world portray him as weak. Also as women we might be labelled as weak, when we have a mental breakage. But as both man and women we must learn to acknowledge and accept what we are going though.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Semester Project Topic

LGBTQ is a community that is now getting to be more accepted. People of this community had to come a long way to get where they are at this point. My point for this project would be more to focus on their struggles and their rights. I want to inform my fellow classmates of why is okay to be part of this community and why we shouldn’t care about who we should love or not. Also, how it was harder back then than in our current time. Also will talk about same sex marriage since it’s part of this community and expand some people’s knowledge and thoughts.

Engy Ghattas

Spring Semester Midterm Project Proposal (racism and subjugated)

Course: Acts of Resistance

Professor: Doris Cacoilo


Have you ever been subjugated or made fun of because of your belonging to a different nation, or simply because of your skin color or because of your religion? If the answer is yes, that will be considered to be racism. Racism exists in almost all cultures. Some people are still not aware of such issues, admitting they are not racists, while their actions and words prove another point of this deal. Unfortunately, even now, there are lots of people who find their race better than another, making the relationships unequal in all aspects. In my view, all people regardless of their nationality and skin specifications should be treated in the same way, equally.

Racism is always awful. But, still it happens in many different ways.

It is racism, when people:

Judge you which religion are you?

Play jokes about some particular ethnic group

Express their negative comments concerning another nation

Intimidate people because of their race, or religion

Leave bad comments online on social media

Abuse someone physically because of “not belonging”

Exclude people from groups because of their nationality.

As an Egyptian girl who lived in Egypt for 15 years, I have faced many kinds of persecutions since I am a Christian. In my school, there were always discriminations between Muslims females and Christian Females. As an instance, if a Christian female or a Muslim female don’t wear their school uniform, only the Christian female get punished and the other one is left free. Discrimination against Christians is a huge issue the whole world should give attention because as human being we should have the right of freedom to have faith in any religion . I believe that a country that has people who think they defend their religion by persecuting the Christians is a country that needs improvement in education. As students, we learn everything in school, then after we graduate, we apply what we learn in school in the real world. In Egypt, Christian students are being oppressed by being forced to memorize some parts of the Quran since these parts are major sections of the Arabic Language exams. People may not see this as a kind of persecution since persecution in their mind means killing or shooting people with a gun. However, it is still a type of mistreatment that the Christian students must deal with in their daily life.

Against The Status Quo Artist

During the #MeToo Movement many people came forward with their own personal stories about harassment they had faced in the work place wether it's sexual or otherwise. Many of the people that came out with stories were pre-dominantly women. However, one male artist went against the status quo and went against the patriarchy, to take away the stigma of only women can be sexually assaulted. This person was Actor Terry Crews. Terry Crews came out with his own story about how a successful male agent sexually assaulted him at a party with his wife being present. Terry describes the incident as the agent grabbing his genitals while attending an industry party with his wife. He broke the status quo and broke the barrier that only women are subject to sexual harrasment/assault.

Feminist homework

Ibrahim Hussein

John Roger Stephens,  or known professionally as John Legend. John legend was born on December 28,1978 in Springfield, Ohio. John Legend is a musician. In an interview with (MAKERS) John legend said that men should care for women rights before they have a daughter. John legend said that having a little daughter gives you a little extra reason to fight for women rights and to be feminist. He also said that if we end feminist, there will be more women who are leaders, empower, entrepreneurs. He also said that we can learn from women brain power. John Legend is married to Chrissy Teigen. When John Legend was a ten years old boy his grandmother died and it affected him and his mother. His mother started to abuse drugs which caused his mother to be in  jail. With that he started to have depression which affected him. When John Legend dropped his first album he won three Grammy including best new artist.

Spring Semester Midterm Proposal - Isabelle 4/8/20 Wednesday

Isabelle Cleophat

Art 263- Acts of Resistance activist.interlopers and Pranksters

Professor Caciollo

8 April 2020

Final Semester Proposal :  Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ( Psychotherapy)

What is the main topic of Your project and Why have chosen this Topic ?

The Reason why I have chosen this Topic which my topic is based on Post traumatic stress disorder which some people have a development  among other people. It is Natural danger and to try to avoid that purpose . This Fight or flight response can have a typical reaction and a range of reactions after trauma .  There are other people who have been experiencing other problems and may be diagnosed with other Post Traumatic stress disorder which has been a very common connection with my major in psychology . That other psychologists can blend in how people can correlate in other people. That people may feel stress or frightened . That symptoms in PTSD may last for more than a month . That it can interfere with other relationships . But with some people it may last up to 6 months and that condition can become more chronic. I would like to help other people who has been struggling with depression,anger and mixed episodes that has happen to them. It has been a growing issue and major problem that has people really focus and asking questions about. There are other options that other people can get through this difficult situation.

What is the message for the audience ? How will you reach the audience How can you can you engage with the project ?
My Message to the audience is that How doctors may have experiences from other mental illnesses . That are experiencing other symptoms can have a deeper impact in other people lives which can have a flashback on other trauma and how it can have a major importance on there behavior into their thoughts,actions and their feelings . Words or objects or other situations and our everyday routine . Things that can remind a person which can trigger avoidance symptoms . For example, after a bad car accident who usually drives may avoid driving or riding inside your own vehicle.  The Cognition and the mood swing of the symptoms had a relationship in psychology . How a Psychologists and other researchers can find a better cure for that .  PTSD it affects other veterans ,assault abuse or other serious events that can experience serious harm and  unexpected death of the loved one. And having to cope with other positive strategies and to seek support from other families. I truly seek other people from old age to teenagers who are difficulties and struggles with PTSD being able to respond in an effectively manner . I would engage the audience by donating to PTSD foundation seeking those with depression and anger it would help for the community of military veterans and finding a support group.

How does this project fit into your professional aspirations and your pro folio ?

This project on with not only help others who are struggling with depression and anger . But will allow me to become highly successful in how PTSD had a major outcome in other places in society how it will continue to have other places which will have this orientation of life . Learning to have a good action in the face of danger . How researchers tend to study their abilities how other people can strive and to become much better in the long run . The main treatments of PTSD is how PTSD affects people in a different scenario and or different background . A person may not feel comfortable working with one another . This is an ongoing trauma such as an abusive relationship other ongoing problems such as the panic disorder and feeling suicidal.  How other doctors and patients seem to be able to find a cure on PTSD.  My Project On PTSD it will based on a brochure that will be related to psychology it will have a deeper meaning on PTSD it will have major importance of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. It has a correlation to psychology. It will be based on the concerns and information on the brochure will be on treatments and the psychotherapy behind it.

Five artists that has connection to Post traumatic Stress Disorder are :

  1. Joe Fornelli- Which he is a Military veteran for Post traumatic stress disorder how it has a contribution to other information how it would reflection on his military life on other artists and how it has a deeper impact into other people's lives. He had 2,500 paintings and his collection which he had sold from that particular piece of art.

2.  Renee Fabian - She is a journalist who explains about how art therapy is very powerful in how she has been explaining and powerful way to connect to other trauma .That other people have their own struggles how it symbolizes and it has a impact of representation in how we could connect to other people vision in  other people'a artwork.

3. Francis Bacon- trauma has different embodiment with other people which is being proven to other people which can resolve in how other people can have a resilience and their evoke case of other trauma how it symbolizes Jesus crucifixion and the representing idea on the body when using other body fluids and other paper theories . The sense of the absence body and other procedure but it also has a presentation on their figure of the body as well.

4.  Hanna Wilkes- Which she talks about her concept of her abjection to be able to identify and does not have respect for others and how it can opposes their representation in other people how it could have a symbolization their classicism and their representation of deconstruction and the fragmentation of the body that she had created .

5. Kiki  smith- she has discovered more about her trauma and how it would become more sufficient with other people the encounter between gender and other psyches . The performance of museum of modern art in terms of other content and other work and the remaining of other particular action it has has create the heaviness and the psychological presence-ness . How it is proved to other body reaction in how other people can have a correlation to that trauma. That Kiki has a representation in her own lifestyle and how she can have an interpretation.

Research Sources on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Antonia Cerda
Acts Of Resistance
16- Febuary-2020

Semester Project Topic

"Racial profile"

Racial profiling is known as a troubling national problem. Right now the United States has entered a “post-racial era.” Racial profile happens on an everyday basis, in many different cities and towns across the country. What I will be doing for this topic is shining a little more light to such harsh issue, because I feel that it has become a normal a poster board will show what events that has taken place in the world that others may not be aware of and what was the consequences of that individual who was racial profiled. Many doesn’t understand or not even aware that law enforcement and private security take advantage of their high authority, they began to target people of a certain color. Those people who are targeted become humiliated and frightened some actually end up killed. No one should have to ever feel and live that way ever.  Racial profiling is an illegal, violating the U.S. Constitution’s. There’s a promise of equal protection under the law to all and freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures in the constitution. Just as importantly, racial profiling is ineffective. What it does, is it alienates communities from law enforcement and hinders community.

Luis Candelaria
Acts of Resistance
16 February 2020

“Appearance Discrimination”
The topic that I choose for the project is appearance discrimination because our society is still suffering from prejudice judgement based on how someone looks. As a heavy-set male with a swollen leg as I have been diagnosed with lymphedema for 2-3 years, I was ridiculed for my looks and my leg in general. My leg has been a setback on some stepping stones physically, but it affected me mentally for years as a result of being picked on. My initiative goal is to create a series of posters depicting ridicule, upbringings to get past them and open advice. I wish to spread my experiences of being teased and judged in said media, and want to showcase any potential advice for people who are suffering on the same boat. My artistic craving to express these feelings visually will not only share the message across, but it will also serve as an outlet for me to release all of the bottled emotions I had from those horrid experiences. Others who see the work might even get inspiration to create self-relieving work themselves.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Guerline Octavius

Course: Acts of Resistance

Professor: Doris Cacoilo

February 15, 2019

Semester Project 
      Topic: Depression

                      My semester project is going to be about depression. I decided to talk about depression because most people are going through it right now. My main problem with depression is that some people are good at hiding it and you wouldn't even know that they are dying inside mentally and physically with personal emotions. I will like to create a poster of different stages that can lead to depression. Depression is most definitely one of a major social problem and it can lead to death. Having to bury a friend, family member, and etc would also lead me into depression. However, I would like to give a huge applause for those that has fight depression and manage to get through it. Lastly, for those who hasn't we'll get through it together!

Thursday, February 13, 2020


From: Seeing Power
1. Jeremy Deller- "It Is What It Is" (car from war)
- The car lay on the back of a trailer like a corpe on a gurney. It was like war was happening on the other side.
- They would father people that had first-hand experience with the war
- Talked about their stories
- Faced criticism
2. Jonathan Harvey
3. Esam Pasha
4. Lysia Clark
5. Helio Oiticica
6. Cabaret Voltairo
7. Sherald Fairey -(place sticker)
8. Emory Douglas- anti war posters

Tactical Media:
1. Steve Kurtz
2. Steve Barnes
3. Dorian Burr
4. Hope Kurtz
5. Beverly
bell hooks: Understanding Patriarchy:

As per bell hooks reading Patriarchy is a male dominated society where the women are seen as inferior beings who are tasked with supporting and abiding by their male counterpoint without question. Men have a disproportionate amount of power and are in control of all the decisions that are made. They monopolize the positions and systems including, political, economic, religious, and cultural. Hooks explains how most men have never even said or thought the word “patriarchy”.
Toxic masculinity is a part of patriarchy as well because it focuses on the traditional masculine norms and this hugely affects men, women, and everyone in that society. Patriarchy emphasizes the harmful effects of conformity to certain traditional masculine ideas.

“Men who have heard and know the word usually associate it with women’s liberation, with feminism, and therefore dismiss it as irrelevant to their own experience.”

“It is the unacknowledged paradigm of relationships that has suffused Western civilization generation after generation, deforming both sexes, and destroying the passionate bond between them.”

I feel like it is a pattern for men to hear the word feminism and automatically roll their eyes. The crazy part of it is, most feminist are fighting for women to be equals. I don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with this. We can’t just forget how extreme patriarchy was in most parts of the world; because that’s how past mistake can happen again. This is why we teach students history, so that we are aware of our past, and we can learn from the error of our ways. If feminist or any woman is not going to stand up and demand equal rights, then who would? Certainly not the men who are rolling their eyes at the mention of the word. It is easy for them to be annoyed by someone passionate for women’s rights but they do not know a world where the women rule with power, and where men are largely excluded from society and government.

John Berger: Ways of Seeing - Chapter 7

“Publicity speaks in the future tense and yet the achievement of this future is endlessly deferred.”
The message publicity is saying is, “you need this item to go on with your life and be happy/important/glamourous. The thing is this is a never ending cycle, we will continue needing things for reassurance because these are just tangible and temporary. Maybe even a fun house image of a better you. We can’t say or know the actual results we are supposed to get after acquiring these things because we are never going to be that person we see in the magazine, or on the billboard. We don’t really know if we have truly made others envious. We can’t feel others feelings of nostalgia (the nostalgia we get when we look at something). The status quo is forever changing and usually the happiness is fleeting. 

“The working self envies the consumer self.”
We daydream about the feeling we have when we are envied or in those new shoes. When we are  seen, when we look good, leaving out the act of doing the dirty work to get these things that make us feel like that. Dazing off and thinking about feeling desirable never includes us dreaming about the part where we stress and most of the time work under someone more powerful, to make the money to buy the things, to feel this way. We leave that behind because that isn’t involved in the feeling or look we lust for, it isn’t what powerful, elegant, superior people are doing when you imagine them in your head. We just want the results without getting in the unpleasable struggle, and the time and grunt we have to do to afford these things. Mixing that in sort of takes away the sexiness and smoothness we want to feel and portray.

Susan Sontag: excerpt from On Photography

Photographs, which fiddle with the scale of the world, themselves get reduced, blown up, cropped, retouched, tricked out.”

It is interesting that we take something that is already just a piece of something and manipulate it to our liking's. People get a photo or take one and the process doesn’t end there, there is still decisions to be made if we want to display it somewhere for someone to see. Sometimes taking a picture of something isn’t always to capture and keep the rawness of that moment, people want to edit it to make it look it a certain way that is ascetically pleasing to them. It is also part of the reason why photographs are cool, because they are a piece of art that can be passed on and then configured by someone else. They can be a canvas that isn’t completely done and we can put our own spin on it. We can take a portrait of ourselves and touch it up, whiten our teeth, smooth our skin, in order to present to the world the version we’re proud to share.

“Even when photographers are most concerned with mirroring reality, they are still haunted by tacit imperatives of taste and conscience.”

Photographs are usually something that we share with others, so it is really hard to completely drop our normal ideology which is to produce something pleasing to the eye. Even if we want to take a picture of something in its most raw form we still have to find the angle we think is best. If shooting manual we alter and change the shutter speed, aperture, choosing a high or low ISO. No matter what, there is always going to be a personal touch in photography. Photography is probably the closest we can come to reality without being there but it still is never going to be reality, and no one can ever relive that moment again.

Guerrilla Girls is an anonymous group of feminist, female artists devoted to fighting sexism and racism within the art world. They formed in New York City in 1985 with the mission of bringing gender and racial inequality into focus within the greater arts community.

They pooled their resources and created work about racism, sexism, and corruption. Hundreds of posters, billboards, street banners, books, performances, workshops, videos, and exhibitions were produced, exposing the biases in the art world, in film, politics, and pop culture.

*All Guerrilla Girls members use names of late women artists to keep their identity secret and the focus on their message

The Guerrilla Girls ideology was that if you can make someone laugh who disagrees with you that you can hook in their mind and possibly change their way of thinking. A case in point is what they call, “the weenie count” – a survey conducted in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, giving attention to gender disparity in the museum’s 19th and 20th century art sections, where less than five percent of the artists on display are women and 85 percent of the nudes are female. The findings became the basis of the 1989 poster, Do Women Have to Be Naked to get into the Met Museum?

Give them hell

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Bell Hooks "Understanding Patriarchy"

Ibrahim Hussein
Art, Interlop, and Pranksters
Wed: 9:55 AM to 12:35 PM

Bell Hooks "Understanding Patriarchy" 

Bell hooks explains patriarchy: As a male driven society. On a social aspect men hold all the power positions, the drive the political system and basically form the culture and society as a whole. Women are expected to abide by the rules that men put into order and there main job is to support the men in their  lives blindly. Bell explains how the problem and the only possible resolution is for men and something women to speak and realize/ or understand the word and meaning of patriarchy. she speaks of how men do not or even know this powerful use for this word "patriarchy" reason may be linked to the fact this conversation is often brought to the surface by a women feminist  and that is off-putting to them so they stop listening. Hooks does an amazing job at pointing the picture of how dangerous and also the actual definition of patriarchy.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Important for professor

Hello professor,
can you plz Please submit the attendance to the office. My finiacial aid is at risk. I went to the office and they said that you did not submit the attendance and because of that they will take the grand away. It is very important for you to do this as fast as possible it’s due the 13. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Assignment # 2(quotes included) Bell Hooks

Understanding Patriarchy by Bell Hooks

      In this article, feminist Bell Hooks describes her understanding of patriarchy in the Unites States and social life. She describes how patriarchy is a learned behavior for people of all genders, and in how men are not as invested in dismantling it, because they don’t see it as reality. Hooks also noted the role that women play in supporting patriarchy, both through actively upholding normative gender roles and through complacency. She argues that women must recognize the pain that patriarchy causes men as well, who are socialized to believe dominance over woman should be a goal and that violence and denial of human connections and emotions are “normal.” Though Hooks is a black feminist, the text is not particularly intersectional. The book does not address racism or the role that patriarchy plays.

Quote from Article: Understanding Patriarchy Bell Hooks

¨     “Until we can collectively acknowledge the damage patriarchy causes and the suffering it creates, we cannot address male pain. We cannot demand for men the right to be whole, to be givers and sustainers of life. Obviously, some patriarchal men are reliable and even benevolent caretakers and providers, but still they are imprisoned by a system that undermines their mental health.”

    The understanding of this quote is that men are taught from an early age to be the dominant partner, the providers and strong male figure. They are taught that woman are only wives, mothers and home takers. Hooks powerful words explain the reality of the American Dream. How patriarchy in the male lives play a huge role in how woman is viewed socially.

§  “As long as, men are brainwashed to equate violent domination and abuse of women with privilege, they will have no understanding of the damage done to themselves or others, and no motivation to change”.

      This quote is very powerful because it introduces that mental health is a disease that men also suffer from. Being brainwashed into a dominant role can take tole on someone’s life. Hooks articles explains how feminist’s woman should not uphold it against men on a role given by society. When men are dominant in a patriarch society it is very hard to remove yourself individually from the environment and begin a change of understanding of how two genders role can change.

    One of the artworks that I came across while researching feminism art and male dominance was the artist Mary Beth Edelson who replaced the faces of the males in Leonardo da Vinci’s painting ‘The Last Supper”  with faces of her idols which were woman in the industry who worked on feminism artwork such as Alma Thomas and Yoko Ono. The painting has distinguished printed paper with typewriting words and taped paper. Edelson’s perspective on her artwork was to make room for women in a male dominated art world. Edelson refers to this work, can also be interpreted as a symbolic performance by an imagined community of living women artists.

Mary Beth Edelson (1972) Some Living American Women Artists/ Last Supper
 Image result for mary beth edelson art leonardo da vinci 

Against the Status Quo Artist

The way I define Patriarchy is that is a system of social control where most things are seen as black and white, clearly divided. The men are in power following what men “should do” while the women play a more submissive role, constantly being pushed down the social ladder, less freedom and no say. 

The artist I decided to pick that goes against the status quo and has a constant theme of rebellion and is opening the minds of people with her music is the music artist Halsey (aka Ashley). In her recent song called “Nightmare”, she dives deeper into the topics of being a woman in today’s society, the patriarchal system/society, being pro-choice, challenging gender norms/fashion and being able to express one’s self as a woman freely where we shouldn't fear to get cat called or be taken advantage of because we are "fragile". The mood of the song and even the beat really pushes the lyrics and the theme of topics that she is trying to push and bring awareness through all within her song writing. She encourages women to protest, fight for their rights and to stand up against political figures despite how powerful they may seem.

Some lyrics in her song that stood out to me the most are:

"Come on, little lady, give us a smile
No, I ain't got nothin' to smile about
I got no one to smile for, I waited a while for
A moment to say I don't owe you a goddamn thing"

"I've been polite, but won't be caught dead
Lettin' a man tell me what I should do in my bed"

Linked is her music video for the song being as it also has some amazing visuals

Understanding Patriarchy

Deborah Derozin                                                 
Professor Cacoilo
Acts of Resistance 
05, February 2020
                                                                Understanding Patriarchy

As per Bell Hooks, "Patriarchy is a political- social system that insists that males inherently dominating, superior to everything, and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence.” As people evolve unfortunately culture moves at a slower rate. People still hold on to many beliefs and morals knowing the impact and the negative effects in today’s society. Patriarchy has been present since B.C and it continued to be taught in school, in our home and even in church. Feminism is someone that believes in the equal rights of both genders. If we all were femist the world would be a much comfortable place for all of us to live in
Audre Lorde is a black woman, poet, civil rights and women’s rights activist. She devoted her life and her creative talent to confronting, addressing and undoing racism, sexism, classism and homophobia. Most of her poems pertain to feminism, her identity as a black lesbia woman and intersectionality. She challenged the status quo by bringing awareness to things that were intense, and painful that most people avoid talking about. Her poetry focused a lot on women’s rights and she gave women a voice and more hope.