Patriarchy is a system of society or government in which the father or eldest male is head of the family and descent is traced through the male line. According to the book “bells hook”, Patriarchy
“is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior, to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence”(Hooks, 2).
Patriarchy is a word that, it's usually used just so men could feel like they have some sort of power over females. Most males feel like it's a word that could describe them as very dominant.
According to the author, females found it very hard to live in the same household as them because of the fact that they weren't able to play with certain things as the males. Also, she had mentioned how in church, they had discovered how men were bought in this world by God to rule the world, and women were here to take care of their house and assist men. This being said, the author also mentioned how she would be beaten if she didn't listen to the male figure or obey him. Even though time has changed, we still have some sort of male power going on, but women are now more strong and independent.
Status of QUO is the status quo is the current or recent state of things. It is common for people to defend the status quo such that they resist change to a society, culture or organization. Alternatively, people may challenge the status quo by advocating or creating change. I believe a good example of the status of quo is innovation. Innovation is a valuable change that represents a leap forward in some way. This may threaten existing business models. Innovation is often created by an outsider who has no incentive to defend the status quo. Those who benefit from the current way of doing things may be slow to adapt to innovative change as they are attached to the status quo.
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