Professor Cacoilo
Acts of Resistance
29 January 2020
In media consumption today I find myself to be at a very far distance from it all. I wouldn't say I am clueless but rather I simply hate most mainstream social media presences. One thing I do have a stronger presence in is the meme community which I think bonds use very strongly, inside jokes that are shared with complete strangers that will never meet and considered dead once said meme format reaches the mainstream. Memes themselves have picked up a strong presence in the lives of everyone and they are easily shared and can spread different ideas and even satire. When it comes to the media portraying anything, it all depends on who it is and what idea the group is expressing. Mainstream media does nothing to hide its bias which can be shown with how they same story varies in titles between the networks.

When it comes to my presence in the world of social media, there is a clear distance and I have a lot of reason for this. For one I simply don't have the time to care about how everyone chooses to waste their time. The simple idea of a trend already bothers. Allow me to pick a side in the battle of what utter dog shit fast food chicken sandwich reigns supreme meanwhile slave labor is present in the world and producing for major brands.(click here) Another thing is I get bored from these things. My largest amount of screen time would have to be YouTube but I only really watch one youtuber who puts out two videos a day. When I am not on YouTube the remainder of my time is spent utilizing social media to have people notice my band which can be found @dignitarytheband at if you haven't heard of us it'd be a lot cooler if you did.
In terms of the rest of people social media seems to be an outlet to look for some kind of purpose. I find this to be very sad honestly that one's influence become purpose because not everyone will speak on a certain level to other people that sparks their interest so one cannot rely on picking up this influence for self esteem or purpose. Back in the early 2010's social media was the things that connected my family in Italy with us so we could speak without purchasing those horrible phone cards. Since then it has turned into a necessity for many to reach others to create an image of them self that they want others to believe to be true. Have others connect and relate to the facade version you created of yourself.
When it comes to the media and activists, it seems that their favorite kind of activism is the kind that gets nothing done. Everybody can handle some good old school quiet protest. The second any idea is slightly not to standard though that is when the labels start coming out. Wherever you stand there is a different label for you without even being heard. You want fair healthcare? What are you a communist? It really shouldn't matter what the media thinks at this point, whatever boomers are watching Fox news will be gone soon, whatever helpless rascals watching CNN will dwindle down likely from starvation due to not being able to cook a meal at home. The reality is more individual people are reaching a larger audience more consistently with far less resource then the media. Lets look at Pewdiepie the worst enemy of the media. Might have something to do with him reaching millions of people a day consistently while the media must resort the uses click bait for even a drop of attention. The attention of people focused in much different places today and the more skeptical people become of what they see the better.
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