Deborah Derozin
Professor Cacoilo
Acts of Resistance
24, January 2020
Who do you think you are?
In today’s age the media have become more impactful in our modern lives than anything else and those effects that the media have on the population is way more negative than positive. For the last two decades we've seen a huge growth on media usage and it has not yet reached it’s peak. Communication have lost it’s value, research have become less important, and the youth is no longer thinking for themselves. The media have put an imaginary line between us and we’re all are victims of it, millennials especially. I myself is not an expectation of the tole media have taken on us. Although, I question and don't always believe what I see in the media it does influence my day to day life.
The media have shaped the way we think, view ourselves, the world and others around us. According to a report done by the royal society for public health “social media usage is associated with increased rates of depression, anxiety, depression, body image issues and cyberbullying.” In the past two decades rates of anxiety in the younger generation have increased by seventy five percent and it is not a coincidence that millenials uses more social media than any other age group. Mass media maker uses manipulation strategies to control the public consumers. John berger in “Ways of Seeing” talks about the negative effect that publicity has on consumers and how media makers feed off of their consumers in order to keep showing them content that will continuously keep them interested. Our growing and unchecked obsession with the media is intentional. Media makers uses data collected literally by spying on the public. These manipulation tactics have been used for years and continue to improve. The media creates diversion, in order to keep viewers misinformed.
The media can be beneficial in many ways if used properly. it can be solved as a learning tool and also to help people make strikes. Black twitter is a platform created back in 2006, since then it has been an innovative tool used for communication, building, laughing and addressing political issues. The hashtags have been used by africans americans to connect on different levels. The #MeToo movement highlightsg frequency of sexual violence and harrasement and is an example od aa black activist innotiatve becoming widly Used throughout twitter and larger culture.
Campbell, Denis. “Facebook and Twitter 'Harm Young People's Mental Health'.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 19 May 2017,
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