Friday, April 17, 2020

Final Project

Why did I choose this topic?

                                                          My project name is 
             Life of immigration

my semester final project is going to be about immigration. i decided to talk about immigration because it's importation for everyone want to make the try and change there life to a better life in there vision but that will cost you some of tiring and hard working in the beginning all that for your kids and family. for example my family they left there family's and friends and most importing this is there life behind to make sure my brother and I live better life. I mean by better education jobs as carrier for us students in the future safe society and good economy 

What is causing millions of people to immigrate? For many, low wages, lack of jobs, and persistent poverty push them to immigrate. Over 66% most countries population lives in poverty, leaving many without the resources necessary to provide for their families and causing them to search for a better life elsewhere. But beyond economic factors, the prevalence of violence and corruption in Egyptians threatens lives and livelihoods and contributes to the many people leaving behind their homes. An immigrant is a person from one country who moves to another country permanently for a better life. There are many different reasons why people leave their country to go to another country. Actually, I'm an immigrant. However, according to my own experience, some people move to another country to find jobs, but some move to another country to look forward to their better education like my brother and I, in Egypt the education is really sucks it’s like five or six maybe more in one desk some teachers don’t care about you. Now, I know but many people from everywhere are getting married in the United State, and they become immigrants to the United States.
Being an immigrant to the United States is not easy. What I mean is the way of life is not easy for some people, because everything is about money, I bet you already know that lol hahahaha. We have to pay for everything. But in some countries, nothing is difficult. Only we have the right to do whatever we want to do for example Egypt most of the people in their own their houses from 1970s and so one. But in the US, there are many things we must go through if we want something, and we also spend a lot of money for many reasons: rent, water, food. Everything always costs money.
There are many sacrifices people face while they are immigrants. They work long hours for more money, but they don't have enough time with their family. Some people work 24 hours in order to have enough money for their rent and bills. Some people even get sick because of working hard during the day and night. But they don’t choose to quit their jobs, because they must work hard to get money for their needs and wants and kids.
In conclusion, being and immigrant is not an easy way for parents to live well and have a better life. For immigrants it is not easy to adopt the culture and the way that people behave.

what did i do to share my story is I made a video on YouTube and made a story book called (life of immigrant) also will post some other pictures that i couldn't add to the book 


                        My video 

   and there is some picture of my story book




                     5 quotes about immigration  and artist 
  1.  “Our attitude towards immigration reflects our faith in the American ideal. We have always believed it possible for men and women who start at the bottom to rise as far as the talent and energy allow. Neither race nor place of birth should affect their chances.  Robert F. Kennedy
  2. “But it makes an immigrant laugh to hear the fears of the nationalist, scared of infection, penetration, miscegenation, when this is small fry, peanuts, compared to what the immigrant fears - dissolution, disappearance.” ― Zadie Smith 
  3.    “I think that little by little I'll be able to solve my problems and survive."
  4.   “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.” “Nothing is absolute. Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away.”  Frida Kahlo
"Freedom was not to be seen either as an absence of constraint or as the self-enabling choice among variables which is presented by American apologists today but as the possibility to play"

 Freedom is very important. There are many definitions when it comes to freedom. I believe Adebunmi Gbadebo art represent a bad and touch experience, but because of the art she has done that represents the freedom. Both artists have freedom to express themselves.

"I went from being an artist that makes things, to an artist that makes things happen"

This is important because many people want to accomplish a lot of things but are not willing to put in the hard work. Ibou Ibrahima Ndoye is a wonderful artist. He started since he was young, and he worked hard for what he believed in. He took his experience and put it into something amazing. Also, Adebunmi Gbadebo had to start from the bottom. She was a woman of color that becomes very important. Her artwork focuses on the part and it is beautiful. Both artists made something happen.

two older sisters.[3] His family immigrated to Canada when he was three years old.[4] About his family's immigration to Canada Massoud stated, "We're - we're Coptic Christian. And my parents just felt like things were getting a little too dangerous when I was growing up. And they wanted to create a better life for their family. So they decided to immigrate."[5] He grew up in Markham, Ontario,[2] where he attended St. Brother André Catholic High School.[5][6] Massoud is a huge admirer of Egyptian comedy movies, in an interview with the BBC, he stated how his Egyptian heritage has inspired him as a comedian, stating: "I grew up watching Egyptian comedy films by the great Egyptian comedians such as Ismail Yassine and Adel Emam. The way they entertain the audience with not only their words but with their body language and facial expressions is totally different from that of the actors here. I played a lot of comedy roles in American productions. My role in Aladdin is also a comedy role. I believe I play comedy roles with a different taste that I learned from our own Egyptian cinema and this makes it appealing in a different way".[

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