Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Anthony Vinci
Professor Cacoilo
ART 263
18 March 2020

I am Anthony, I am very bad at a lot of things, I am also very good at a number of things. One of these things is complaining. I may seem miserable most of the time but that is because I am simply an expert at the art of complaining. How does this tie into my proposal for my activism project? Well activism is a fancy middle school word for complaining. The only real difference is that activism is supposed to be marginally more productive. I say marginally because I strongly believe complaining itself is a very productive act, it is thought provoking and leads to laziness which leads to efficiency. More about Anthony. I prefer music over eating food, I enjoy music a lot. With this I take my project to the form of music. I am not a million dollar company so I am affected by our current recession and considering what organs I can live without for money. With this considered the way I can make my project about music while in a medium I can easily produce and distribute in a cost effective way would be a zine.
The next question that arises in the topic of my zine is, what will the topic of my zine be? Well a good place to start with that would be discussing the format of the zine I am creating. The contents of the zine will be a brief overview of who is in my band(Dignitary) as an introduction. Following this is where the real meat of the project comes into play. The song titles along with their lyrics will be shown. The topics of each song is where activism comes into play. Dignitary is a hardcore band so the topics will stretch across different areas. I’m good at complaining so the topics of each song vary. So far there are about seven songs written, each about different topics, for example, feelings about military treatment, environmental issues, everyday facades, hypocrisy, really just everything that gets the blood boiling. I wouldn’t limit myself to making songs about one topic, I’m not Ed Sheeran with his entire discography being about love, I will not have an entire discography about why I think putting raisins in cookies should be a hate crime. My message will vary depending on how I feel about each topic and the great thing about being a performing musician is I have all these people in front of me and they are listening so I can even vocalise my thoughts outside of the songs. To clarify some of the ways I feel about the previously mentioned topics, I think those in the military are taken advantage of the put it simply, I think many people profit greatly off of the horrible treatment of the environment, and I think that everyone is a hypocrite that can complain about amazon but still use their services because the want their cat carrier to have two days shipping regardless of the workers protesting constantly.
The next part of why I selected a zine is how easy it is for it to reach people. Zines can easily be printed and given at shows but are not limited to being given at shows. They can easily be left anywhere to be found. Touching back on why giving them out at shows is great is because a gig will usually have around one hundred people in a room on a bad day and people take a free little booklet if it looks nice enough. When something is free it is very easy to run out of stock, in this case that is a very good thing because of how easy it is to resupply. Using the zine as a medium for further expression will reach out to a larger audience more easily and it is more easily understood than listening to lyrics during a live show. With having a zine you don’t need to try and decipher the words or figure out what it is about as the info is right in your hands.
Picking a zine is a very good method for me to choose personally as the music scene is one very present in my life and my career aspirations. I am going to school with an intended path in learning about audio but that is only because I wanted to learn about how to produce my own music. All I really live for is my music and everything else is there. Some may think such an existence is pathetic and I totally agree with those people, but I would have to say it's equally as pathetic of an existence as the people who live to look forward to their wedding day. Different interests for different people. I go to school so I can be knowledgeable on producing better music, I go to work so I can eat another day to live until my next show, it only makes sense to make a project for my art class apply to music in a sense.
Two of the artists that have inspired me to move in a direction that can considered activism are Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn. One of the two are more of your typically expected artists as he is a cartoonist and the other is a musician. I've been interested in these two for a long time as I have grown up with the music they make. They have a very popular project together called Gorillaz and in this they express a lot of opinions. A great example of one of their songs that was very straight forward about its point is called "Hallelujah Money". This song came out January 20th 2017 which many can take a lucky guess as to why. The song is witty and uses irony. Although my band is a much different genre, these two people both influence what I think my music is for. When it comes to my lyrics I strive for that same wit and power although I am very far from it still. One of the more heavily activist songs I have written is Ill-Ethology and this song is very blatant in its meeting talking about topics of the military and government. This idea can be twisted though because I have no hate for the young people being taken advantage to serve their country that will forget about them. There are other songs in less extreme topics such as minor opinions but realistically its all the little things that effect us the most. A couple of these songs can be found on both soundcloud and bandcamp at the moment until the release of more music.

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