Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Longer Proposal & Presentation

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6GuOCaHsLE
Link for class (please complete it)- https://www.choosehelp.com/topics/depression/suicide-risk-assessment-the-sbq-r-a-4-question-test
Presentation: C:\Users\Ivana\Desktop\2020- spring\Suicide Prevention- powerpoint.pptx
This society has impacted many people positively or negatively. My project is on suicide because it is a major problem all over the world, including the United States. “Suicide is the act of taking one’s own life” (Suicide Definition). Suicide is the 10th leading cause in the US. “Suicide is a human issue” (TedTalk). This topic is very important to me because two years ago my sister committed suicide and it was one of the worst things that have happened to me. Life can be very difficult for every individual. Many people might be struggling with self-esteem, financial problems, relationship with family and or their partners.  I believe that some people are committing suicide because of personal reasons and some because of the environment they live in, meaning poverty. “Suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10 and 34, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35 and 54. There were more than twice as many suicides (47,173) in the United States as there were homicides (19,510)”(Suicide Statistics).
Suicidal thoughts are the result of feeling like you can't cope when you're faced with something unusual or hard. People feel overwhelmed in many difficult situations. They feel like they can’t talk to anyone because they might not understand. People that are having suicidal thoughts might feel like they may seem weak to another, and today nobody wants to be weak. I believe suicide is the definition of a weak person.  Some causes of suicide: “Incarceration, poor job security or low levels of job satisfaction, history of being abused or witnessing continuous abuse, being diagnosed with a serious medical condition, such as cancer or HIV, being socially isolated or a victim of bullying or harassment, substance use disorder, childhood abuse or trauma, family history of suicide, previous suicide attempts, having a chronic disease, social loss, such as the loss of a significant relationship, loss of a job, access to lethal means, including firearms and drugs, being exposed to suicide, difficulty seeking help or support, lack of access to mental health or substance use treatment,  and following belief systems that accept suicide as a solution to personal problems”(Suicidal Treatment). Some of the warnings of a suicidal person are threats or comments about killing themselves, social withdrawal from friends, family and community, increased alcohol and drug use, aggressive behavior, impulsive or reckless behavior, dramatic mood swings, and writing about death (Suicide Warnings).
To do this project, I will be creating a poster. In my poster there with be a description of problems that causes suicide, the statistics of suicide between females and males, and the ages of the people committing suicide. Also, I would love to create meetings for people struggling once a week. It will not a be with a professional therapist, but just normal civilians that are struggling and thinking about ending their lives. On the poster, I will encourage people that are struggling to take certain steps to make themselves better. Moreover, I would create an Instagram page for the victims of suicide and their families. I will not only focus on the people that are struggling, but as well as their families. The families can share stories on this page and all the people can see it. I believe the first step for the suicide rate to go down is to admit that you need help. I am already helping some of my friends that are struggling with life.  I believe talking to someone about what is happening and getting advice is very important. Life can and is very hard for everyone and it all depends on how people react to it. On my poster, I will also put some inspirational quotes that are against suicide. We can stop many suicides if we just listen. Human beings will always face problems. I believe that we need to help each other thrive to the top. On top of my Instagram page I will also put my personal phone number, so I can reach out to people that need help.
I believe that with this project I can help many people. I can be the change. I believe that there many steps that an individual need to take to get help. The most important step is to “choose to survive”. Willing to fight through problems is very important. People can’t give up because something bad happened to them. Second, “feel the feeling” the person needs to stand up to their feelings. The feeling should not control that individual, but the individual should control her or his feelings. Third, “stay connected” some need to talk to friends or family, to a stranger, or even pray. Fourth, “Be the new you” fight through all problems. Never give up. Lastly, “share your experience” I believe sharing personal experience helps with the issue. Also, speaking to people about problems can help them become stronger. My goal is to decrease the rate of suicide. I believe creating an Instagram page can not only help citizens in the United States but all over the world. I chose Instagram because today mostly everyone is using this app.
Having to be a family member when someone committed suicide is hard. Two years ago, I received a call from my other sister. I was currently driving home at night, but I picked up and she was crying. My sister told me that she needs to share something with me when I get home. I was afraid so I lied and told her I was home. She then told me that my sister jumped in front of a train. I was shocked and I couldn’t believe it. Her name was Miska. Miska never showed any suicidal thoughts. She never used drugs or alcohol. At the time, she was in Slovakia and I was here. A few months back (before she took her life) she was planning a nursery because she found out she was pregnant with her boyfriend. A week later, she calls and tells me she had a miscarriage and her boyfriend is having a baby with another woman. Miska was very upset, but after a while, she became happy again. On January 16th she took her own life. This day will haunt me forever. I still don’t believe that I will never see her. I will never get a response back or laugh with her. Because of this horrible experience, I don’t ever wish anyone this.
"I tried my best to pull through, but my best was not good enough. I battled alone for about thirteen months now until my strength failed me."
"Mum, your brother raped me and used me as sex toy for three whole years. I expected you or dad to notice but none of you did."
On my poster, I will be adding quotes:
“Place your hand over your heart, can you feel it? That is called purpose. You’re alive for a reason so don’t ever give up.” – Unknown
“The person who completes suicide, dies once. Those left behind die a thousand deaths, trying to relive those terrible moments and understand … Why?” – Clark (2001)
“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.”
Follow me on Instagram @pre_ventionsuicide 

Also, my artists that I will include in my project are:
1.      Song: "Everybody Hurts" by R.E.M.: This 1992 song was written with a teenage audience in mind, although its lyrics speak directly to anyone who is suffering. It tries to impress upon those who are depressed and contemplating suicide that they are not alone. Everyone hurts. Take comfort in your friends and hang on.
2.      Poem: Poem: Why Dad Did You Choose Suicide? By Christina M. Butz Why Dad?
Why did you chose to die?
You left no note but left me asking why.
You thought you were doing what was best and right.
Why, oh why, did you have to end the fight?
Your pain is something I will never understand.
You must have been so afraid to take this stand.
You left me with a title I am sad to attain:
Suicide Survivor, but who should I blame?
I know your decision was painful to make.
The thoughts in your head
Must have been unbearable to take.
Now that you're gone, I think of you a lot.
You couldn't have known the suffering this has brought.
I pray you are at peace my angel, but I am in pain.
I count the minutes to heaven and seeing you again
I chose this poem because it connects to my project and it is personal. This artist has lost her dad and she will never understand why. Why did he give up? Why do people give up so easily?
3.      Painting: Le Suicidé; by Édouard Manet: This painting is very beautiful. In this painting a man committed suicide by shooting himself.

4.      Book: Guerilla girl – poster (which I will be doing)- I am complaining about how many people are committing suicide.
5.      Artist: Justis Daniels- he goes to schools and gets teenagers together talk about suicide and if they have any of their own problems.

6.      Song: Joyner Lucas- I’m sorry: This song is speechless. It talks about how the person wanted to kill himself since he was only 9 years old. After a while he shot himself and didn’t care about his family. He was being selfish.
7.      TV-show/Movies-"there is so much pain" | sad multifandom-depression- This is overall how people feel and act when they are depressed and want to commit suicide.
8.      Ted Talk- Shattering the Silence: Youth Suicide Prevention | Sadie Penn | TEDxYouth@Lancaster – Sadie wanted to take her own life away. She thought about talking to her family, but something told her not to because she would be a burden on them. This ted talk was very powerful.

Suicide and suicidal thoughts. (2018, October 18). Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/suicide/symptoms-causes/syc-20378048
Butz, C. M. (n.d.). Home. Retrieved from https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/why-dad-why
Daniels-Bezout, J. (2017, July 19). How One Teen Began the Suicide Prevention Revolution at His School. Retrieved from https://www.crisistextline.org/blog/seesay

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