Engy Ghattas
Spring Semester Midterm Project Proposal (racism and subjugated)
Course: Acts of Resistance
Professor: Doris Cacoilo
Have you ever been subjugated or made fun of because of your belonging to a different
nation, or simply because of your skin color or because of your religion? If the answer is yes that
will be considered to be racism. Racism exists in almost all cultures. Some people are still not
aware of such issues, admitting they are not racists, while their actions and words prove another
point of this deal. Unfortunately, even now, there are lots of people who find their race better
than another, making the relationships unequal in all aspects. In my view, all people regardless of
their nationality and skin specifications should be treated in the same way, equally.
Racism is always awful. But, still, it happens in many different ways.
It is racism when people:
Judge you on which religion are you?
Play jokes about some particular ethnic group
Express their negative comments concerning another nation
Intimidate people because of their race, or religion
Leave bad comments online on social media
Abuse someone physically because of “not belonging”
Exclude people from groups because of their nationality.
As an Egyptian girl who lived in Egypt for 13 years, I have faced many kinds of
persecutions since I am a Christian. In my school, there were always discriminations between
Muslims females and Christian Females. For instance, if a Christian female or a Muslim female
doesn’t wear their school uniform, only the Christian female gets punished and the other one is left
free. Discrimination against Christians is a huge issue the whole world should give attention
because as human being we should have the right of freedom to have faith in any religion. I
believe that a country that has people who think they defend their religion by persecuting
Christians are a country that needs improvement in education. As students, we learn everything in
school, then after we graduate, we apply what we learn in school in the real world. In Egypt,
Christian students are being oppressed by being forced to memorize some parts of the Quran
since these parts are major sections of the Arabic Language exams. People may not see this as a
kind of persecution since persecution in their minds means killing or shooting people with guns.
However, it is still a type of mistreatment that Christian students must deal with within their daily
life. Sherwood, Ezz and Walsh emphasized in their articles that Christians are being persecuted
in many different countries in the world, they also mentioned that the problem is getting worse
and worse every day. Each country should give the people their right to freedom of religion,
should avoid discriminations in education by removing anything that may allow the students to
have the concept that there are minorities and majorities. The curriculums should reveal equality
between all the members in the society.
However, it is still a type of mistreatment that Christian students must deal with within their
daily life.
In December 2013, a Christian girl whose name is Engy moved from Egypt to the United
States dreaming of a better future, better education, a safe life, a clean environment, and a good
job. In addition, her main reason for migrating to the United States is to escape violence toward
Christian females and persecution toward Christians in Egyptian society. she wants to live in a
country that allows her to have the freedom to believe in any religion she chooses without being
offended or oppressed, she wanted to be able to go to her school without the guidance of her
parents since it was not safe for a Christian female to walk in the street alone.
Spring Semester Midterm Project Proposal (racism and subjugated)
Course: Acts of Resistance
Professor: Doris Cacoilo
Have you ever been subjugated or made fun of because of your belonging to a different
nation, or simply because of your skin color or because of your religion? If the answer is yes that
will be considered to be racism. Racism exists in almost all cultures. Some people are still not
aware of such issues, admitting they are not racists, while their actions and words prove another
point of this deal. Unfortunately, even now, there are lots of people who find their race better
than another, making the relationships unequal in all aspects. In my view, all people regardless of
their nationality and skin specifications should be treated in the same way, equally.
Racism is always awful. But, still, it happens in many different ways.
It is racism when people:
Judge you on which religion are you?
Play jokes about some particular ethnic group
Express their negative comments concerning another nation
Intimidate people because of their race, or religion
Leave bad comments online on social media
Abuse someone physically because of “not belonging”
Exclude people from groups because of their nationality.
As an Egyptian girl who lived in Egypt for 13 years, I have faced many kinds of
persecutions since I am a Christian. In my school, there were always discriminations between
Muslims females and Christian Females. For instance, if a Christian female or a Muslim female
doesn’t wear their school uniform, only the Christian female gets punished and the other one is left
free. Discrimination against Christians is a huge issue the whole world should give attention
because as human being we should have the right of freedom to have faith in any religion. I
believe that a country that has people who think they defend their religion by persecuting
Christians are a country that needs improvement in education. As students, we learn everything in
school, then after we graduate, we apply what we learn in school in the real world. In Egypt,
Christian students are being oppressed by being forced to memorize some parts of the Quran
since these parts are major sections of the Arabic Language exams. People may not see this as a
kind of persecution since persecution in their minds means killing or shooting people with guns.
However, it is still a type of mistreatment that Christian students must deal with within their daily
life. Sherwood, Ezz and Walsh emphasized in their articles that Christians are being persecuted
in many different countries in the world, they also mentioned that the problem is getting worse
and worse every day. Each country should give the people their right to freedom of religion,
should avoid discriminations in education by removing anything that may allow the students to
have the concept that there are minorities and majorities. The curriculums should reveal equality
between all the members in the society.
However, it is still a type of mistreatment that Christian students must deal with within their
daily life.
In December 2013, a Christian girl whose name is Engy moved from Egypt to the United
States dreaming of a better future, better education, a safe life, a clean environment, and a good
job. In addition, her main reason for migrating to the United States is to escape violence toward
Christian females and persecution toward Christians in Egyptian society. she wants to live in a
country that allows her to have the freedom to believe in any religion she chooses without being
offended or oppressed, she wanted to be able to go to her school without the guidance of her
parents since it was not safe for a Christian female to walk in the street alone.
The USA gave me the freedom of everything but still, racism still exists everywhere.
I feel sorry about people that they can not take their rights when someone racism them or treat them bad.
Everyone should be treated equal no matter her color, religion, or background. We are all human, We are all equal.

Hi, I really like this because today we still have issues with this topic. How are you going achieve this? How will you try to prevent this?